Change Password

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Revision as of 09:03, 7 July 2014 by Khackenmiller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<ol> <li>Log-in to LiveDC</li> <li>Once logged in, in the upper right hand corner click "Change Password"</li> File:Download Collector.png <ol> <li>Click "Do...")
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  1. Log-in to LiveDC
  2. Once logged in, in the upper right hand corner click "Change Password"
  3. Download Collector.png
    1. Click "Download"
    2. Open the zip file
    3. Collector Zip.png
    4. Open the file titled "config" and minimize for later use
    5. Open the file titled "ElicitInstaller", this will open a setup window called "Elicit Setup: Installation Folder"
      1. Choose the destination to save the Elicit collector
      2. Click "Next"
      3. Enter Elicit ID and URL
      4. Elicit Setup.png
      5. Click "Close"
    6. Go back to the LiveDC platform, click the "Refresh" button, in the upper right-hand corner, for the new Elicit collector to appear in the Elicit List
    7. Highlight the new Elicit and click "Edit" to authorize
      1. This will open a window titled “Edit Elicit”
      2. Check the box titled “Authorized” to a green check mark to Authorize the Elicit
      3. Elicit Authorize.png
      4. Click "Save"