Glossary of Terms

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  • Address - A web site URL or an IP Address
  • Accounting Share - A field to show ownership from a financial perspective of an asset
  • Actual Service Tier - A categorization of Service Tier level for the service required
  • Address Type - A designation for an IP address in either an IPv4 or IPv6
  • Adjustment Expression - Allows manipulation of the data series element, such as multiplying by, dividing by, etc. (i.e. raw/10 or raw*1000)
  • Algorithm - A process or set of rules, set up by LiveDC, to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations
  • Aliases - A grouping of similar Operating Systems
  • Asset ID - A field to enter a combination of numbers and text that is defined by the organization or datacenter management to track the lifecycle of an asset
  • Barcode ID - A field to enter the number found on the Barcode of the asset
  • Business Unit - Identification of ownership for a specific business Unit
  • Clone - Replicate an existing Data Series including the following line items: Tags, Data Type, Number Format, Timing Template, and Poll Type
  • Cluster - A group of servers that are joined together for the purposes of providing resilience and resource sharing
  • Companies – A specific company, department or subsidiary for asset identification
  • Components - Items contained by a server, i.e. PCI Card, Network Card, Power Plugs
  • Contact Method Types - The method of how you contact the person assigned to an asset
  • Contacts - Contact information that is assigned to an asset
  • Contained By Type - A classification of what the created asset is bound by; either Hardware, Room, or Site
  • Container - The method in which LiveDC holds Hardware, a Virtual Machine, a Server Cabinet, or a Room
  • Container Dimensions - Dimensions of containers such as room, cabinets, disk servers, etc.
  • CPU Types - A list of Central Processing Units (CPU) in your data center with corresponding details
  • Data Type - A category regarding the kind of data desired to use; either Number, Date, or Text
  • Data Series – The foundational collection mechanisms which grabs data on a timed interval to be displayed in LiveTiles, graphs and Maps
  • Details - A text field for additional information regarding the record that is not found as another text field option
  • Discount Programs - Discounted vendor contracts for signing a long-term lease on an asset
  • Domains - Function of operating system that defines which logical domain/group a server resides in
  • Dynamic Set - Referring to a Poll Type to include All or Any Data Series that contain the specified Tags
  • Elicit – A piece of software code that resides inside the client network and collects all the data for LiveDC
  • Formula - Selecting Data Series to act as variables, starting with “V0, then V1 and so on” using characters like “+,*, -, ^”, to equate to a combined formula returning the specified metric
  • Futures - A prediction of increases or decreases over time to visually display in a Graph. Typically, futures are displayed as a percentage increase or decrease based on historical.
  • Gradient - A color line chosen to represent the parameters of the influences on a Map to visually display one’s data
  • Graphs - A diagram representing trending and analysis of large groups of data to provide metrics within your data center to assist in understanding historical information and future projections
  • Hardware - Inventory of IT environment ranging from servers, storage, infrastructure and network
  • Hint - On a Legend, the number of times between the defined low and high values to display boundaries or edges
  • Highlight - In a LiveTile, a highlight calls out a specific data point in a brown box at the bottom of the LiveTile. Usually metrics surrounding space available, power usage, cooling percentages, etc.
  • Import from File - A tool to import CSV and Excel documents into LiveDC
  • Inclusion - Referring to a Data Series when selecting the Dynamic Set Poll Type, select “All” to include all of the Data Series with the specified Tags or select “Any” to include any of the Data Series with the specified Tags
  • Influence - A point on a Map to display data visually. An influence is linked to a Data Series and displays a certain color when given boundaries by a legend.
  • Influence Templates - The determination of a shape on a Map that represents your data in the form of a color
  • Layer - The transparent images used to create a Map
  • Layer Type - A category of defining what type of Layer is being created; either Basic Influence, Solid, Image, Token, or Composite Influence
  • Link Layer - A type of layer on a map that allows you to link to a URL, graph, LiveTile, map or a piece of hardware
  • Lease - Referring to the ownership type of hardware, where the asset is leased by the user
  • Legends - The color-coded mechanism that represents data ranges and displays the associated colors
  • LiveTile - A high-level view of your environment using a dashboard approach to visualize key metrics of current and historical data
  • Loan - Referring to the Ownership Type of Hardware where the user pays the owner for the duration of use of the Asset
  • Logical Disk Volumes - Devices that provide an area of logical usable storage capacity
  • Management Interfaces - Management and monitoring interfaces of the computer system
  • Manual - Referring to the poll type of manually inputting points for a given data series
  • Maps - A bird’s-eye view of a floor plan that displays values through a color-coding system using legends
  • Memory in GB - The amount of memory available on a specific asset
  • Name - A text field to fill in a title specific to device being identified
  • Network Interfaces - Interfaces on a server that connect the server to the IP network
  • Note (Main) - Text from a created text Data Series to call out information in a LiveTile
  • Note (Foot) - Text from a created text Data Series to qualify or explain the Main Note in a LiveTile
  • Notification Events - A historical list of notifications that have been sent out to specified recipients
  • Notification Recipients - A list of recipients that can be tied to event notifications
  • Notification Rules - The threshold for a desired event notification
  • Number Format Templates - The way number data is represented in LiveDC
  • Operating System Software - Software that is installed on a server, i.e. Microsoft Server 2012
  • Own - Referring to the ownership type of hardware where the user buys the asset outright
  • Ownership Type - The categorization of owning an asset; Lease, Loan, or Own
  • Payment Types – How the client intends to pay for the asset; Credit, Net30, etc.
  • Physical Disk - A physical device that can house data in a server
  • Poll Type - A classification regarding how the data is to be collected; Manual, Dynamic Set, Formula, Record Count, SNMPv1, Trend, or URL Scrape
  • Power Plug Amperes - Power plug information surrounding amps for an asset
  • Power Plug Backup Source - Information about redundancy sources for power tied to an asset
  • Power Plug Circuits - Power circuit breaker information tied to an asset’s power
  • Power Plug Types - The kind of power plug that is used by an asset
  • Power Plug Voltages - Voltage information that is utilized by an asset
  • Procure - Obtaining an asset from a company or organization
  • Products – An asset / device that contains describing and unique information using a parent-child relationship
  • RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks
  • Record Count - Referring to the poll type of creating a Data Series where the polled data point is the total number of records specified by a saved search criteria
  • Regular Expression - An expression used to derive a small piece of data out of a larger set of data (i.e. Pulling 75 out of the following sentence "The temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit")
  • Reports - LiveDC generated reports customized based on client requests
  • Requested Service Tier - The categorization of which Tier that is requested for service
  • Room - The physical room that houses your IT infrastructure
  • SAN – The storage area network that devices connect to in order to store data
  • Scale Built - Typically used in displaying rack unit information in a data center, Scale Built refers to the amount of rack units that are available for use at the present time in a LiveTile, both in use and available for use
  • Scale Current - In a LiveTile, Scale Current refers to the amount of the resource presently in use
  • Scale Max - The maximum amount of the resource that you wish to display in a LiveTile
  • Scale Min - The minimum amount of the resource that you wish to display in a LiveTile
  • Serial Number - The identification number specific to a piece of Hardware, Infrastructure, Software, Operating System, etc.
  • Serial Number Comment - A text field to add any additional information regarding the serial number desired by the user or organization
  • Service Info - A field to enter who is to perform maintenance on a specific asset; information includes who provides the service, start and stop date, cost of service, etc.
  • Service Tiers - A classification of criticality of an asset
  • Shapes - The shape that guides how an influence appears on a Map to help represent your data
  • Site – A physical location where the data center is located
  • SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol is a standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks. SNMP can be found on routers, switches, servers, workstations, printers, modem racks, etc.
  • SNMPv1 - Referring to the Poll Type of creating a Data Series where the data point is generated using a SNMPv1 Template and an IP Address
  • SNMPv1 Templates - A mode of communicating between Elicit and a specific device using an IP address
  • Software – A piece of logical code that runs on top of an operating system
  • Speed - The rate at which the Physical Disk is rotating
  • Status - The method of defining a data record being Active or Inactive
  • Tags- Labels that categorize Assets, Data Series, etc. for analysis, searching or reporting
  • Time to Live - The amount of estimated time left until the resource is fully consumed. Time to Live typically will be displayed with metrics regarding space, power, cooling, etc.
  • Timing Templates - The frequency that data is pulled for a Data Series
  • Trend - Referring to the Poll Type of creating a Data Series where the metrics created are tracking the trends of existing Data Series over a specified timeframe
  • Trend Templates - The time period to display data for a trend Data Series
  • Uploaded Images - A list of images that have been uploaded for use with Maps, LiveTiles, etc.
  • URL Scrape - Referring to the Poll Type of creating a Data Series where the data point is generated from the URL Scrape Template
  • URL Scrape Templates - The information required for Elicit to pull data from a specific URL and leverage common pieces of information
  • Virtual Machine Data Centers - A logical classification for a virtual machine to reside in
  • Virtual Machines - Inventory information about virtual machines that are tied to your IT environment